HDVS - Humboldt Domestic Violence Services
HDVS stands for Humboldt Domestic Violence Services
Here you will find, what does HDVS stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Humboldt Domestic Violence Services? Humboldt Domestic Violence Services can be abbreviated as HDVS What does HDVS stand for? HDVS stands for Humboldt Domestic Violence Services. What does Humboldt Domestic Violence Services mean?Humboldt Domestic Violence Services is an expansion of HDVS
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Alternative definitions of HDVS
View 3 other definitions of HDVS on the main acronym page
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- HHFI Hunter's Hope Foundation Inc.
- HAC Huntington Arts Council
- HTCI Huntington Theatre Company, Inc.
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- HPMSC Hunts Point Multi Service Ctr.
- HIOBS Hurricane Island Outward Bound School
- HIOBSNEP Hurricane Island Outward Bound School New England Programs
- HS Hutchison School
- HFI Hyams Foundation, Inc.
- HPAC Hyde Park Art Center
- HPNC Hyde Park Neighborhood Club
- HS Hyde Schools
- HSTF Hyde Square Task Force